2 May 2024 - Release Notes

This is a summary of all changes deployed to our production environment in the scope of this release.

minor release banner - dark

Project Images


As designers and creatives, Loupe understands that making Projects as visually customisable as possible is very important. To make this as easy as possible, retailers can now load a separate thumbnail and banner image to a Project. The banner will be visible at the top of the project and the thumbnail image will be visible on the quarterly view. 


Deleting a Project 

Delete a Project-1

To make sure that projects are always relevant and correct, retailers can now easily remove any accidental or outdated projects. 


Removing Designs and Pinboards from a Project 

Remove from Project

To keep Projects tidy and to ensure anyone working within a project can stay focused on what is essential, you can now easily remove Designs and Pinboards from a Project with a single click. 


Simplified Order via API

To make ordering through Loupe even easier, we have released a new, simplified API that will make creating Orders painless. With a more straightforward integration, retailers can seamlessly integrate Loupe into their existing ordering processes.