In this article we will show you the many areas of the applications where you can review the footprints left by your customers, as well as the realtime notifications allowing you to know exactly when your customer is online and active
There are several areas in the application where you can learn more about the behavior of your customers; what they are viewing, shortlisting, and selecting. We'll go over all these different areas below.
On the Dashboard you can view all types information and statistics to help you understand how your customers are interacting with your catalog. These interactions include views and shortlistings. Please see our knowledgebase article here to learn more about the dashboard.
Showroom & Running Lines
Inside Showroom you can filter down to the list of items to see who has shortlisted your catalog, and what they have shortlisted. In addition, on Running Lines you can filter the list to see who has selected items from your showroom.
Another great way to keep track of what is happening with your retail partners is to track your notifications. You can see these under Notifications in the left navigation. Simply click Samples to see items that are getting shortlisted, and Products told see items being selected. You can also search for these terms to drill into them specifically.
Another way to gain insights is to look at reports that have been shared with you. You can learn more about reports here.