How to Create a Quotation - a step by step guide

This document will show you how you can create & submit your first quotation from a selection made in your showroom.


Step 1: Add a sample to your selection

Now your master sample is loaded, you will see it in Samples > Master Line.

Tip: In Showroom you may see more than one variant of the same sample depending on how many metal titles you loaded in the master sample.

Go to your showroom, and locate the sample you want to add to your selection.


​Click on the sample you want to quote your customer, and click Add to SelectionThe selected sample will now display in your SelectionHere you can change the metal fix, apply customer discounts and submit your quotation to your customer.

You can also select samples in bulk on the showroom catalog page by checking the small blue box next to each desired sample and then clicking Add to Selection.



Step 2: Selection

Once your selection is finalised, you can use the live metal and exchange rates, or you can populate with your customers requested metal lock. Prices for affected samples will update automatically after you make a change.

Choose your customer from the drop down list of your connected customers. Note that any company level discount will now be applied, so your list prices will adjust automatically after you select the customer. You can adjust company level discounts on your Customer list, via Customers tab in your Account page.


Tip: If your customer shortlists your sample you will be able to add an item specific  level discount on the sample detail page, but not before.

Tip: Use Loupe to add colour picture labels to your plastic sample bags delivery to your customer. It makes you look great and makes your customers work easier than attaching cumbersome sample labels which get in the way during selection / review process. Buyer love colour labelled stickers on bags as they can mix samples cross-vendor during selection process without tricky labels making their trays look nasty (so which they often cut off), then they can easily find the right bag for the sample by comparing the colour picture on the bag to the sample.



Step 3: Create Quotation 

When you create a quotation, Loupe will automatically create an Excel and PDF copy for you and save it forever for your ease of future reference. You should always take care to add your customer reference - for example: “JCK 2024” will make it easy for your customer to find all his/her JCK quotations on his/her system:


Loupe enable you to make effortless and beautiful format quotations in either PDF or Excel. Your company logo and all images will be imported automatically, and you can even add your specific brand colour to help your customer better remember your company:



Step 4: Quotations 

When you create a quote on Loupe, we will save it for you forever. You can access it anytime, anywhere, as long as you have a computer and an internet connection. Every quote your firm has ever sent is automatically logged, and you can filter your quote by date, by customer, even by the customer reference you have added.

After you have completed the quotation process, your customer will automatically receive a notification that a quotation has been submitted and will be able to view the quote immediately on his / her system without you need to take any further action. No email, no attachment, no folder required.



Step 5: Intelligence

Now you have created & sent your quotation to your customer, you can even monitor progress in the Status column:

  1. Draft: this means you have created your quotation but not sent it yet, so your customer has not yet received it
  2. Sent: this means you have sent your quotation but it has not been viewed yet
  3. Viewed: this means your customer has received the quotation and has viewed it already
