This article explains how you can keep track of all relevant changes, actions by other people or events that are relevant to you. Notifications also allow you to review the history of change on any given item.
Notifications are triggered by the actions performed by your business partners or your colleagues on Loupe. They contain important updates regarding your items in every stage of the lifecycle, from design through samples to products.
Notifications always appear in chronological order with the newest notifications on the top of the list. Each notification card can include the following information:
- the section in the application it relates to
- the picture and the name of the item (eg. sample, product)
- the picture and name of the person and their company
- the message informing you what has changed
- the blue text link with the required action (often only visible on first reading) eg. negotiation request from the buyer, the vendor is only able to reply once
- the read status indicating whether the notification has been read
Read status
The read status of your notifications is indicated by the circle on the right hand side.
A filled, red circle means that the notification card is unread. This can occur when you have a new notification, or if you have intentionally marked a notification as unread for later review.
An empty circle means that the notification has been read. The marker will update from red to empty if you click on any links within the notification card, or if you have clicked on it to mark the card as read.
In order to view only unread notifications you can easily switch to another tab on the top of the list. The unread tab is useful when you want to come back to notifications requiring further attention.
Mark selected as Unread / Read
Individual or groups of notifications can be marked as read or unread. First select the notifications you wish to change the status of. You can select:
- Individual notification by clicking on the checkbox on the notification card
- If you select a group of notifications it will apply the change to all the notification in the group.

- All notifications by clicking on the checkbox above the notification list.
Then click the option "Mark selected as read" or "Mark selected as unread" allows to change the Read status for multiple notification cards at once.
Every notification relates to a specific section within Loupe. These sections are listed in the filters and share their colour code with notification cards. In order to only view the notifications from a certain sections, click on the checkbox next to that section.
The number in the red circle next to the section name indicates the number of unread notifications that you have within that section.
Note that supplier and retailer filters are different.
Use the Search Box to text search notifications using any content displayed in the notification card, such as:
- Product name (partial or full)
- Supplier name
- Design job number
💡 Power user tip: The notification log allows you to see the history of changes specific to any given design, sample or product. You can combine filters and text search for more refined search results.
Email Notifications Preferences
Specify how you would like to receive notification updates via email using the Email Preferences section. While you always receive notifications in the Loupe application, you can also choose to receive these notifications via email as well. This helps you to stay updated even when you are logged off.
You can control the type of email notifications that you receive by selecting the relevant preference. Note that you will still receive notifications inside the application even if you select “None”.
My Company Notifications
Loupe account administrators can access all notifications received by their colleagues in a separate tab called My Company Notifications. This empowers account administrators to audit and track all changes across their company.
For Example: If a user has left the company and you need access to their notifications, or if you would like to track a historic change at a company level.
View My Company Notifications by navigating to My Company Notifications tab, within the Notifications area of Loupe (as shown below).