Reset Your Passphrase

In this article you will find a step-by-step guide on how to reset your Passphrase and some tips on what makes a good Passphrase.


Why 'Passphrase' and not 'Password'? 

Passphrases are made up of multiple words. Where passphrases tend to be much longer than traditional passwords, they are usually far more secure - even if they do not contain any special characters. 

Resting your Passphrase

1. Go to the Loupe website and click 'Login' 

Loupe website

2. Click on the 'Forgotten Your Passphrase?' text button 

login screen

3. Enter your email address 

Forgotten passphrase page

4. Open the password reset email from Loupe and click on the 'Reset Passphrase' button. 

Note: Make sure you click on this link within 24 hours of receiving the email 


5. Enter your new passphrase in both text boxes 

Reset passphrase

What makes a Passphrase secure? 


At least 12 characters long but 14 or more is better.

Mixture of different characters 

A combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Not personal information 

Avoid your name or the name of a family member, addresses and phone numbers. Ideally do not use a word that can be found in a dictionary or the name of a person, character, product, or organization.

Easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess 

Consider using a memorable phrase like "6MonkeysRLooking^".