Retail Data - SKU Categories (Retail life cycle)

This article will explain how retailers can use our API to populate the values you need your users to see when they focus on the SKU Category field - also known as SKU life-cycle stage.


📔 What is SKU Category?

SKU Category is a value which defines where a SKU sits in it's retail life-cycle.

A typical SKU life cycle can be:

  • testing
  • expansion
  • sell-down
  • archive

Step 1:
Download the template here

Field value Alphanumeric & Special Characters
Maximum characters 50
Maximum rows 1000


📔 Special Characters:

Special characters are defined as all non-alphanumeric characters.  For avoidance of doubt, the following special characters are accepted if Type = "alphanumeric inc SC" above:


Step 2:
Complete your SKU Categories as per your system requirements

Step 3:
Deliver your payload to the SKU Category API

Endpoint URL:

For example requests and to test this end-point here is the direct Swagger link: Import SKU Categories

Step 4:
You can now see your company's SKU Category populated in Atelier on:

  1. Linesheet Specification
  2. Linesheet Filters
  3. Integrations / Retail Data Mapping