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Our mission is seamless data flow between systems 


From market leaders to niche providers, we will get you connected


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Retail Integrations



Enterprise SKU Integration

Loupe allows for over 100 custom fields for every retailer in addition to our system-driven fields. These can contain custom parameters & attributes, which can be managed manually or via API.

Once these fields are set-up, you can define which fields are required in order for a SKU request to be released from Loupe and sent to your ERP, and once that SKU has been returned, you can then define the master-dependent relationship between Loupe and yur ERP on a field by field basis.

Retail Data

No Code Shopify Integration

Enjoy our out-of-the-box integration with Shopify to create and then sync products between Loupe & Shopify. INcluding sophisticated variant mapping and robust change management to meet your business' operational needs.

Coming soon! order integrations for seamless creation of purchase orders and automated inventorying. 

Shopify product Import

Vendor Integrations



Universal Data Solutons

After years of managing manual data migrations between manufacturer ERPs and Loupe we developed our own proprietary data conversion tool to manage this programmatically. 

The data conversion tool can receive input in any language - including non-Latin languages like Chinese or Arabic - and then these parameters and attributes are allocated to the Loupe system parameters & attributes.



SDC1 - Attributes in Chinese

Complex Mapping Logic 

Powerful mapping logic - including conditional and N-row to single row - allows us to create, test and save mapping logic for even the most complex ERP data sets. 

The result is manufacturers anywhere in the world can then send us data in their standard output format and we can automatically convert this to the Loupe import format.

SDC2 - Conditional logic 2

Speak to one of our integration experts